Piler Project was initiated in November 2014. Piler is situated at an equi-distance of 56 KM from Chittoor, the district headquarters, Tirupathi, the most auspicious pilgrim town, Madanapalli, the market town. It is around 180KM from Bangalore, and 160KM from Chennai.
The Federation with the financial assistance of Department of Horticulture, Government of Andhra Pradesh is in the process of establishing 4 mango ripening centers with an investment of approximately Rs. 5 crores. The cost is shared between the Federation and the Government of Andhra Pradesh in the ratio of 33: 67. Once the new ripening centers become operational for the coming season of 2020, the net income of farmers will improve substantially and, in some cases, may double. Sri Balaji Farmers Mutually Aided Cooperative Federation Ltd was incorporated on 15 December 2017 at Piler in Chittor District of Andhra Pradesh. The Federation is currently situated at “ 10-5-1, Manikanta Nagar, Piler Mandal, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradesh 517214. All Village level Cooperatives have formed the Federation. Currently CCD is working in Four Mandals Such as Piler; Pulicherla; Rompicherla; Sodum and Yarravaripalem and are expanding into another 5 mandals in Chittoor District, they are Tavanampalli, Irala, Pakala, Putalapattu, Penumuru
The average rainfall
The average rainfall of the District is below 918 mm per Annum.
Main Crops
Mango, Tomato, Sugarcane, and Peanut.
Village Cooperatives
Being the newly initiated project in the District, the concept of ‘Cooperatives’ and ‘Collective Marketing’ is a ‘hard to believe’ affair in the target groups. The process of strengthening the cooperatives is in progress
Capacity building
Trainings on Cooperative Concept and Collective Marketing are in progress
Exposure Visits
Selected Farmer Members are taken for exposure to Puttaparthi
Collective Marketing
Collective Marketing of Mango was taken up during April to June 2015.
- M/s. Greeners Agro Products Pvt. Ltd., Tirupur, Tamil Nadu.
- M/s. AST Fruit Company, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
- S.S. Exports,Mumbai,Maharastra
- Sri VenkateshRao,Bangalore,Karnataka
- Royal Exports, Hyderabad,Telangana
- Srinee Food Park, Bangarupalyam, ChittoorDistrict, Andrapradesh
- TirumalaFruits, DamalaCheruvu, Chittoor District, Andrapradesh