Sri Satya Sai District
Puttaparthi project operations started in the year 2004 covering 16 Mandals namely: Puttaparthi, Bukkapatnam, Kothacheruvu, Penukonda, Dharmavaram, Gorantla, Kanaganapalli, Somandepalli, Mudigubba, Nallamada, Rapthadu, Ieeja, K T Doddi, Gattu, Itikyala and Maldakal
The Average Rainfall
Below 480 mm per Annum thus the district has a dubious distinction of having second lowest rainfall district in India, the first being Jaisalmare in Rajasthan.
Main Crops
Groundnut, Maize.
Target Groups
Small and Marginal farmers cultivating Groundnut.
Sri SathyaSaiRaithu Mutually Aided Cooperative Federation
The confederation of all village level cooperatives into a Federation.
- After six years of organizing the farmers in Puttaparthi area the Cooperatives have come together to form a Cooperative Federation in the name of Sri SatyaSaiRaithu Mutually Aided Cooperative Federation Limited – which is registered on 31st March 2010.
- In the year 2013-14, the Federation has constructed a godown with storage capacity of 1100 MT for storing groundnut procured from the village-level cooperatives.
- In the year 2014-15, the Federation has decided to renew the mill by installing the latest machinery which included Gravity separator.

- The Federation has a chamber for grading, packing and transporting.
- The Federation has a Representative General Body with 2 members representing from each of the Cooperatives.
- Capacity of the processing mill is 4.3 tons per hour of Groundnuts.
- The Federation meets once in every month, or more as per the requirements. Procurement, Processing, Marketing and Administrative decisions are collectively made by the Governing body in the presence and involvement of Representative General Body.
- The Federation organized its Annual General Meeting (Mahasabha) every year and elects the new Governing Body.
Agri-Input Shop
The Federation has an agri-inputs shop set up in Kothacheruvu village which supply quality seeds and fertilizers with a nominal margin thereby offering the agri-inputs to the members almost at the manufacturers’ price.
Minimum Support Price (“MSP”) Centre for Groundnut
In the year 2014 and 2017 the Groundnut procurement prices was drastically crash down at that time CCD conducted special meetings with the BoD of the Sri Satya Sai Farmers’ Federation and with the active farmers in the villages to represent the matter of low prices for groundnut to the District Administration requesting them to procure the groundnut directly from the farmers at the Minimum Support Price (MSP).
The representatives of the Federation along with CCD staff met the District Collector, and Joint Director, Agriculture representing the issue. After a series of meetings, the District Administration has come forward to procure the Groundnut at the Mandal-level through NaFED/Oil Fed.
Procurement centres were setup in the Market Yards of different Mandals in the District. It is to be mentioned that a procurement centre was set up at the Groundnut Farmers’ Federation Mill premises in Guttur which can be said as the recognition of Farmers’ Movement/ Federation’s solidarity.
Organic Fertiliser Unit
In agriculture there are three major components which are 1.Soil 2.Seed 3. Water /Rain out of these three components first we have to know about soil.
Soil:- Soil is live it is a habitat for countless soil organisms they are the work force under the soil. It is medium which decides nutrient availability to plants. It recycles of degradable material and store house for water supplies.
After the Green revolution to get higher yields Govt has introduced hybrid seed and chemical fertilizers. By knowingly are unknowingly farmers are applying more and more Nitrogen ,Phosphate and Potash (NPK) to their fields. Soil and environmental damage caused by the indiscriminate use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides under irrigated as well as rain fed agriculture is a common phenomenon. CCD initiated several measures to avoid this scenario. The organization started with popularizing Integrated pest management (IPM) and organic forming by conducting trainings on Farmer School on Field (FSOF) mode, as with all interventions CCD observed a big gap in preparing of organic fertilizers and bio agents. Farmer are saying it is good. But they are not ready to spend some time to prepare in home by this they again going to back to apply chemical fertilizers. It results High investment and low yielding, finally it leads farmers suicides. To protect soil fertility and decrease investments in crop cultivation the only one solution is organic fertilizers.
Organic fertilizers are Derived from naturally Occurring organic fertilizers include animal waste from meat processing, peat, manure, slurry, and Guano. Organic fertilizers main function is to provide nutrients under organic forms from organic materials By knowing all these things professor Mr. Thrilocharn sastry met Mr. Kulakarni (who has manufacturing organic fertilizers) and bring him to Gutturu. After BOD meeting CCD decide to establish a fertilizer unit at Guttur.
Before going to establish fertilizer unit, CCD has introduced application of Adya phosphate and Adya potash on a pilot basis among 17 farmers in the first season, 30 farmers in the second season in 18 villages. Observing the over whelming response from CCD and other farmers, CCD has taken up to construct organic fertilizer unit
Advantages of Organic fertilizers
- Balances the soil eco system
- Boosts plant health naturally
- Delivers nutrients in a slow but sustainable
- Improving the soil condition
- Producing healthier, tastier pulses, oil seeds, fruits and vegetables
- Increasing productivity by 20%
SSFT (Solid Substrate Fermentation technology)
- One bag organic phosphate is equate =1 bag of DAP / 3 bags of SSP
- One bag of organic potash is equate = 1 bag of MOP Suitable for all soils from PH ranging 4-11