India is an agrarian country with around 60% of its people depending directly or indirectly upon agriculture. An average farm households makes around Rs 20,000 a year from agriculture.
Therefore most of the agriculture households are in Debt.
As per records average loan amount outstanding per household is above Rs 50,000.

Currently we are working with Groundnut farmers of Anantpur, Mango farmers of Chittoor and Red Gram, Cotton, Soya farmers of Adilabad and Yavatmal.
We have reached out to over 31,000 farmers at present to help them to cut costs, improve yields and significantly increase net incomes through value addition and better marketing.
As we scale our activities we hope to help both farmers and consumers.
Our Courses on Co-operative Societies
Farmveda procures the fresh produce from the farmers and produces a range of packaged food products like Instant Mixes, Ready to Eat snacks, Condiments, Chocolates, edible oil and many more. These products create more value for the farmers as all the profit from Farmveda products goes back to the farmers.
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Proin aliquet ut justo vehicula tempus. Praesent vehicula felis auctor lorem aliquet rhoncus. Etiam vitae turpis vitae nibh molestie tincidunt ac vitae nunc.
Video title
Proin aliquet ut justo vehicula tempus. Praesent vehicula felis auctor lorem aliquet rhoncus. Etiam vitae turpis vitae nibh molestie tincidunt ac vitae nunc.
Shop from Farmveda
Farmveda procures the fresh produce from the farmers and produces a range of packaged food products like Instant Mixes, Ready to Eat snacks, Condiments, Chocolates, edible oil and many more. These products create more value for the farmers as all the profit from Farmveda products goes back to the farmers.

Choco Nuts

Choco Nuts

Choco Nuts
Farmers Speak
Recent News
Farmveda procures the fresh produce from the farmers and produces a range of packaged food products like Instant Mixes, Ready to Eat snacks, Condiments, Chocolates, edible oil and many more. These products create more value for the farmers as all the profit from Farmveda products goes back to the farmers.