We help the small and marginal farmers build cooperatives that are owned, managed and controlled by them. These cooperatives are dedicated towards improving the economic well-being of its members.

How does it work
The cooperative model we are promoting is for the farmers, by the farmers and of the farmers. The farmers being the sole stakeholders are trained on business, management and functional aspects of the cooperative.
The process starts with creating awareness among the farmers and convincing the key decision makers of the villages about the benefits of cooperatives. We involve the existing cooperative members in this process to share their story which helps the farmers in visualizing their own journey.
After the initial round of informal meeting with the key decision makers of the village, a formal meeting of the interested farmers is held to take things forward. The idea of the cooperative and its functions is mooted. Post optioning general consensus, series of intensive meetings are held to ensure, that the cooperatives are aware of the process and the effort that goes into creating a successful working cooperative.
Every farmer joining the cooperative is trained by CCD on all functional aspects. They are trained and empowered to scout and engage with other farmers from their village and neighboring villages.