12TH, 13TH AUGUST, 2015:
3rd Quarter Review Meeting at Guttur Mill

As part of self assessment of previous year’s work, and setting up targets for the upcoming procurement season, CCD organized a Review and Planning meeting during 12thand 13thof August 2015. This meeting targeted towards a practical and realistic situational analysis of the working area, and micro-level planning in drawing the targets. In addition to this the capabilities of the grass-root staff, their mode of operations and strategic approach were clearly analysed and suitably guided.
The CEO, Mr. G.S. Raju,took initiative in bringing teams from Puttaparthi and Piler project areas, to a common place, i.e., the premises of Federation’s Groundnut Processing Mill. The teams thus got a chance to understand the working of Teams in different geographical conditions and with different groups of farmers.
Mr. Prasad, Finance Manager from Hyderabad Office also attended the meeting on both the days.
This type of meetings serve in multifold aspects, viz., the ‘realistic status of the area’, the planning of the individual team member, his approach etc. With this the strategies and planning of each member can be understood by the other members. As a result, the set Action Plan of an individual can be analysed to see if any over-ambitious planning is made, or un-realistic approach is adopted – if so, a symptomatic advice can be given to correct the plans and set the things in track.
While the first day’s sessions were dedicated to present the achievements during the previous Financial Year / Procurement Season, the second day was allocated to plan for structured and realistic planning for the upcoming 6 months.