Utnoor project operations started in the year 2004 covering Nine Mandals namely; Utnoor, Jainoor, Narnoor, Kerameri, Sirpur (U), Indervelly, Sirikonda, Gadiguda and Lingapur
The average rainfall
Below 1044.5 mm per Annum.
Main Crops
Cotton, Soybean, Red gram
PrjaMitraRaithu Mutually Aided Cooperative Federation:
The confederation of all village level cooperatives into a Federation. All the 117 existing cooperatives in Utnoor project area are confederated into PrajaMitraRaitu MACS Federation Limited. The Federation is registered under AP Mutually Aided Co-operative Societies Act (MACS). The Federation is registered in August 2007. The Federation is a self-governing entity governed by a seven membered Board of Directors lead by the President. The General Manager supervises the activities of the Federation.

The salient features of the Federation are:
- The Federation came up with the construction of Redgram processing mill which is inaugurated on March 15, 2009
- Fully owned and managed by Cooperatives the Federation comprising of 129 primary cooperatives with 8,631 members.
- The Federation has a Representative General Body with two members representing from each of the Cooperatives
- Capacity of the processing mill is 5 MT per day of Red Gram expandable to 10 MT per day
- Capital Investment of the processing mill is Rs.5.8 million, which is extended support of Ford Foundation and Members Own Contribution.
- The Federation meets once in every month, or more as per the requirements. Procurement, Processing, Marketing and
- Administrative decisions are collectively made by the governing body in the presence and involvement of Representative General Body.
- The Federation organized its Annual General Meeting (Mahasabha) every year and elects the new Governing Body.
Agri-Input Shop:
The Federation has an agri-inputs shop, in Utnoor, which supply quality seeds and fertilizers with a nominal margin thereby offering the agri-inputs to the members almost at the manufacturers’ price.
Horticulture Nursery
The Federation raises nurseries ensuring supply of quality and healthy samplings to the farmer members. Samplings are raised in the Federation Mill premises basing on the requirement and demand for specific varieties.
Vermicompost Production and Marketing
Vermicompost is produced and marketed by PrajaMitra Federation as a part of promoting NPM method of farming in the project area.
Thrift and Credit Cooperative Society or PodupuSangam
To promote small savings which will support the target farmers to meet short term credit needs.
- 129 T & C Cooperatives: 8,631 Members